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Eddie Wolff

Profile picture for Eddie Wolff

Contact Information

Natural History Building 4050-D
1301 W Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801
Graduate Research Assistant
Advisors: Drs. Robert Trapp and Stephen Nesbitt


I joined the Department of Climate, Meteorology, and Atmospheric Sciences in Fall 2021 as an M.S. student. Prior to attending the University of Illinois, I earned my undergraduate degree in atmospheric sciences from The Ohio State University where I also minored in mathematics and theatre. My research focuses on using satellite and radar observations to analyze processes associated with the formation discrete convective updrafts and subsequently tornadoes within quasi-linear convective systems (QLCSs). This work is funded as part of the Propagation, Evolution, and Rotation in Linear Storms (PERiLS) field campaign which took place in 2022 and 2023. As part of this campaign, our research group deployed mobile radars, mobile mesonets, instrumentation pods, and radiosondes to collect data on developing QLCS tornadoes. My role involved assembling and operating a quickly-deployable C-band radar. This data, along with other observations, will be used to develop a more robust understanding of how these storms form and how they can be forecasted more accurately.

Prior to joining UIUC, I participated in research projects with both the OSU Department of Geography and the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center, the latter of which involved installing and maintaining a network of weather sensors across campus to monitor the university's contribution to the urban heat island. I also completed an honors research thesis focusing on the use of GOES satellite data to estimate tornado strength from the size and temperature of overshooting cloud tops. This thesis was a continuation of work that I began through the REU program at the University of Alabama in Huntsville in Summer 2020.

In addition to my research, I'm also a member of the American Meteorological Society where I serve as a student member on both the Committee on Weather Analysis and Forecasting (WAF) and the Board on Societal Impacts (BSI) and as the co-chair of the Board on Student Affairs' Specialty Meetings and Events Committee. I am also co-chairing the 33rd WAF/29th NWP Conference taking place at the 2025 AMS Annual Meeting in New Orleans.

In my free time, I enjoy photography, hiking, and coding up fun side projects.

Research Description

My primary research focus is on tornadogenesis in quasi-linear convective systems (QLCSs), specifically the role of updrafts in the formation and maintenance of these storms. I primarily use multi-radar multi-sensor (MRMS) data to identify and quantify discrete updrafts cores. I've also analyzed radar data and both surface and upper air observations from the PERiLS field campaign to develop a complete picture of the near-storm environment. I'm also developing a classification algorithm which will use MRMS radar data to automatically sort tornado reports by their storm mode and identify radar features associated with each.

In addition to this project, I'm also interested in societal impacts of severe weather; specifically quantifying how socioeconomic variables impact the likelihood of tornado fatalities and how tornado warnings (and specifically tornado emergencies) are issued and interpreted. I'm also working on a project comparing wind loads on low-rise buildings from tornadic versus straight-line winds and have participated in tornado damage surveys with the UIUC's wind engineering lab.

I also assist in maintaining and deploying the department's instrumentation for outreach events, courses, and field projects including PERiLS, BEST, and CROCUS.



  • PhD Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (in progress)
  • M.S. Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (August 2023)
  • B.S. Atmospheric Sciences, The Ohio State University (May 2021)
    • Minors: Mathematics and Theatre

Awards and Honors

2024 UIUC SESE Research Review: CliMAS Poster Presentation Award – 2nd Place

Courses Taught

Teaching Assistant

  • Spring 2022: ATMS 100 - Introduction to Meteorology
  • Fall 2021: ATMS 302/PHYS 329 - Atmospheric Dynamics I

Professional Service

Program Co-Chair - 33rd Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting (WAF)/29th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), New Orleans, LA (2025)

Committee Co-Chair - AMS Board on Student Affairs Specialty Meeting and Events Committee

Student Committee Member - AMS Committee on Weather Analysis and Forecasting

Student Committee Member - AMS Board on Societal Impacts

Recent Publications

Kosiba, K. A., and Coauthors, 2024: The Propagation, Evolution, and Rotation in Linear Storms (PERiLS) Project. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., in press.

Recent Presentations

Wolff, E. and F. Lombardo (February 2024). Comparison of Tornadic and Nontornadic Wind Loading as Characterized by ASCE 7-22. 2024 SESE Research Review, Urbana, IL (Poster)

Wolff, E., J. Trapp, and S. Nesbitt (January 2024). Satellite and Radar-Based Tools for Predicting Regions of Tornadogenesis within QLCSs. 2nd Symposium on the Future of Weather, Forecasting, and Practice, Baltimore, MD (Poster)

Wolff, E., J. Trapp, and S. Nesbitt (November 2023). Radar and Satellite-Based Tools for Predicting Locations of Mesovortex Formation within QLCSs. PERiLS Science Meeting, Memphis, TN (Oral)

Wolff, E., J. Trapp, and S. Nesbitt (August 2023). Radar and Satellite-Based Tools for Predicting Locations of Tornadogenesis within Quasi-Linear Convective Systems. Tornado Hazard Wind Assessment and Reduction Symposium, Urbana, IL (Oral)