Contact Information
1301 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801
Originally a student with a declared major of Landscape Architecture at Augustana College, my love for weather led me down the path of switching majors to study Meteorology. My interest in the weather stems from growing up in Batavia, a western suburb of Chicago, where severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings were prevalent during my childhood. My family would often set up chairs in our garage to watch the storms roll in. I can still remember falling asleep to Discovery Channel's Storm Chasers on the TV, wanting to go storm chasing myself some day.
I spent my undergraduate years studying meteorology at the University of North Dakota, which gave me an unique perspective on the field since UND's aviation program was so large and connected with the meteorology program. During my last year of undergraduate studies and after graduation, I worked at a road/weather information company called Iteris. I received some forecasting training through Iteris and helped the South Dakota Department of Transportation to use the company's winter weather decision support system for their fleet of snow plows. I later moved to Burbank, CA, to work on the road information side of the company, helping to build 511 information systems for various states and a large 511 project with the San Francisco Bay area. But I knew I was not using my degree, and figured that going back to school for my graduate degree would be the next move.
I came back home to begin my graduate studies at the University of Illinois. I have since completed my Master's and PhD. My research has focused on analyzing simulations of severe thunderstorms using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and tornadic and non-tornadic supercells using Cloud Model 1 (CM1). I have even been given the opportunity to be the driver for the department's Field Studies of Convection course, realizing my dream of chasing after storms on the Great Plains.
Research Interests
-Tornadic and non-tornadic supercell thunderstorms
-Real and idealized simulations of supercells, thunderstorms, and their environments
-Severe weather and extreme rainfall in a future climate
Research Description
My Master's research focused on the tornado outbreak of 24 August 2016 in Indiana and Ohio. We used the WRF Model to simulate this event and manipulated the output so that it was compatible with pressure decomposition code so that we could analyze pressure perturbations within the simulated storms of interest. Findings stress the importance of ingesting strongly sheared air near the surface for the formation of supercells during this event. A differential heating boundary owing to anvil cover seems to have played a crucial role in preserving the horizontal vorticity owing to the shear near the surface (Gray and Frame 2019).
I switched gears for my PhD research, simulating idealized supercells using CM1. We explored how the orientation of the 3–6-km vertical wind shear vector impacts the longevity of and thus the potential for near-surface vortex formation within simulated supercell thunderstorms. Our investigation is significant because these impacts have been relatively unexplored and because the midlevel winds dictate where outflow surges develop within supercells. We found that the storm-relative location of outflow surges can affect the magnitude of the convergence beneath an updraft, the buoyancy of the air flowing into an updraft, and the potential tilting and undercutting of an updraft by outflow, all of which can influence supercell longevity and thus the potential for near-surface vortex formation (Gray and Frame 2021).
We then looked into streamwise vorticity currents (SVCs) produced by the outflow of simulated storms (Gray and Frame 2023). We found that SVCs do not significantly differ between the different storms and that SVCs that precede tornado-like vortices do not differ significantly from SVCs that do not precede tornado-like vortices. Using trajectories, we identified two different airstreams that contribute to SVCs: one that flows along the length of the SVC, and another that merges with the SVC from the modified inflow. Vorticity budgets reveal that stretching of horizontal vorticity is the greatest contributor to the streamwise vorticity that develops in the SVC. In this study, we conclude that it is plausible that an SVC can drastically enhance a low-level mesocyclone, increasing the chance for tornadogenesis. When a semi-slip lower boundary is introduced to the model (Gray 2023), low-level updrafts become weaker, but more steady compared to simulations with a freeslip lower boundary. Forward-flank convergence boundaries also become more common with a semi-slip lower boundary. Environmental streamwise vorticity plays a greater role in SVCs developing along a forward-flank convergence boundary and baroclinically-generated streamwise vorticity plays a greater role in SVCs along a left-flank convergence boundary. Streamwise vorticity values in SVCs simulated with a freeslip lower boundary are likely too large, suggesting that output from freeslip simulations be interpreted with caution.
Ongoing research includes investigating extreme precipitation events in a future climate. Using WRF, we are developing an ensemble of simulations for several extreme rainfall events. Then a pseudo global warming approach will be used to simulate these extreme rainfall events in the future. Output from our ensemble will be used to force a hydrology model to investigate the uncertainty of flooding potential in the future.
-University of North Dakota: B.S.
-University of Illinois: M.S.
-University of Illinois: PhD
Awards and Honors
-Graduated Summa Cum Laude, University of North Dakota (2014)
-Ogura Outstanding Teaching Award (2018)
-Midwest Student Conference on Atmospheric Research, 1st Place Graduate Student Oral Presentation (2021)
-Dissertation Completion Fellowship (2023)
-Operational and Applied Meteorological Research Paper Ogura Award (2024)
Courses Taught
Courses Taught as Main Instructor (ATMS = University of Illinois, EAPS = Purdue University):
-ATMS-100: Introduction to Meteorology (Spring 2019, Spring 2020)
-EAPS-100: Planet Earth (Fall 2023, Spring 2024)
-EAPS-360: Great Issues in Science: Climate Change (Fall 2023)
-EAPS-423: Dynamics II (Fall 2023)
-EAPS-432: Synoptic Lab II (Spring 2024)
-EAPS-434: Weather Analysis and Forecasting (Spring 2024)
-EAPS-591: Numerical Modeling of the Atmosphere (Spring 2024)
Courses as Taught as a TA:
-ATMS-100: Introduction to Meteorology (Fall 2016)
-ATMS-313: Synoptic Weather Forecasting (Spring 2017, 2018)
-ATMS-314: Mesoscale Dynamics (Spring 2017)
-ATMS-324: Field Studies of Convection (Summer 2017, 2018, 2021)
-ATMS-303: Synoptic-Dynamic Weather Analysis (Fall 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)
-ATMS-306: Cloud Physics (Spring 2021)
Highlighted Publications
Gray, K. and J. Frame, 2019: Investigating the transition from elevated multicellular convection to surface-based supercells during the tornado outbreak of 24 August 2016 using a WRF Model simulation. Wea. Forecasting, 34, 1051-1079, https://doi.org/10.1175/WAF-D-18-0209.1.
Gray, K. and J. Frame, 2021: The impact of midlevel shear orientation on the longevity of and downdraft location and tornado-like vortex formation within simulated supercells. Mon. Wea. Rev., 149, 3739-3759, https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-21-0085.1.
Gray, K. and J. Frame, 2023: Investigating the development and characteristics of streamwise vorticity currents produced by outflow surges in simulated supercell thunderstorms. Mon. Wea. Rev., 151, 3089-3111, https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-22-0309.1.
Gray, K., 2023: The impact of midlevel shear vector orientation on the longevity of and streamwise vorticity current formation within simulated supercells with freeslip and semi-slip lower boundaries. PhD dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 113 pp, https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/items/128663.