Contact Information
1301 W Green St
Urbana, IL 61801
Hello! I have been a M.S. student in the Department of Climate, Meteorology, and Atmospheric Sciences since the Fall of 2023. My advisor is Dr. Stephen Nesbitt. I am studying the microphysical properties and formation mechanisms of mesoscale snowbands using both observations and modeling. Observational data sources for my research include airborne radar from the NASA Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms (IMPACTS) field campaign as well as measurements from the UIUC System for Characterizing and Measuring Precipitation. I have also been running the Weather Research and Forecasting model. Ultimately, the goal of my work is to improve snowfall prediction in extratropical cyclones.
In May 2023, I graduated from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Oswego majoring in Meteorology and minoring in both Mathematics and Computer Science. While at SUNY Oswego, I pursued a variety of research projects. Past topics include occluded cyclones, lake-effect snow/lightning, and aviation meteorology. I also served as a forecaster and research assistant for NSF Project LEE (Lake-Effect Electrification).
Operationally, I’ve been a Student Forecast Leader for the New York State Department of Transportation, the City of Oswego, NY, and local school districts as part of the Lake-Effect Storm Prediction and Research Center. During my senior year, I was the President of Oswego’s Chapter of the AMS/NWA which was awarded the 2022-2023 AMS Local Student Chapter of the Year. Currently, I am an active member of the AMS Weather Analysis and Forecasting Committee in addition to the NWA Aviation Meteorology Group.
M.S. in Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Expected 2025)
B.S. in Meteorology, summa cum laude, State University of New York at Oswego (May 2023)
Minor in Mathematics
Minor in Computer Science
Awards and Honors
Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence - SUNY
Outstanding Senior in Meteorology Award - SUNY Oswego
Steve Messina ’91 Endowed Meteorology Scholarship - SUNY Oswego
Recent Publications
Steiger, S. M., E. C. Bruning, V. C. Chmielewski, G. Stano, J. Trostel, K. M. Calhoun, K. R. Jesmonth, B. Lamsma, T. Lang, S. Laurinaitis, J. Losego, J. S. Ringhausen, M. Stock, Y. Wang, S. M. Waugh, S. A. Weiss, T. Weist, and T. White, 2024: Winter Lightning to the Lee of Lake Ontario: The Lake-Effect Electrification (LEE) Field Campaign. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 105, E2026–E2046, https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0176.1.