Contact Information
1301 W Green St
Urbana, IL 61801
Research Interests
Machine Learning, Mesoscale Meteorology, Data Assimilation, Radar Meteorology
Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences from University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign (Aug. 2024 - Present)
M.S. in Atmospheric Sciences from National Central University, Taiwan (Sep. 2021- Jun. 2022)
B.S. in Atmospheric Sciences from National Central University, Taiwan (Sep. 2017 - Jun. 2021)
Awards and Honors
Atmospheric Science Section Best Student Poster Award, Asia Oceania Geoscience Society, 2022
Rank #3 in National Earth Science System Special Research Competition, Chinese Geoscience Union, Taiwan, 2020
College Student Research Scholarship, Topic : “How to Improve the Rainfall Forecast of Multiscale Weather System in Northern Taiwan using Radar Data Assimilation.”, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2019
Recent Publications
Yang, S-C, S-H Chen, L. J-Y Liu, H-L Yeh, W-Y Chang, K-S Chung, P-L Chang and W-C Lee, (2024). Investigating mechanisms of an intense coastal rainfall event during TAHOPE/PRECIP-IOP3 using a multiscale radar ensemble data assimilation system, Mon. Wea. Rev., 152, 2545–2567, https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-24-0049.1
L. J-Y Liu, S-C Yang, Z-H Lin. Scale-dependent Inflation for a Multi-scale Radar Ensemble Data Assimilation System and Its Impact on Short-range Heavy Rainfall Prediction in Taiwan. Asia Oceania Geoscience Society 21st Annual Meeting, June 2024. (Oral Presentation)
L. J-Y Liu, S-C Yang, H-L Yeh, K-J Lin, P-L Chang. Leveraging Multi-Scale Radar Data Assimilation to Investigate Multi-Scale Convection Events in Taiwan. The 104th American Meteorology Society Annual Meeting, January 2024. (Oral Presentation)
L. J-Y Liu, S-C Yang, P-L Chang, W-Y Chang, C-C Tsai. Rapid-update Analysis with Multi-scale Correction and Its Impact on the Heavy Rainfall Development Over the Taipei Basin. Asia Oceania Geoscience Society 19th Annual Meeting, August 2022. (Poster)
S-C Yang, L. J-Y Liu, P-L Chang. Investigating the Development of Heavy Rainfall Over Northern Taiwan on 8 September 2018 with the WLRAS Rapid-update Analyses. Asia Oceania Geoscience Society 18th Annual Meeting, August 2021. (Oral Presentation)