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Michie Vianca De Vera

Profile picture for Michie Vianca De Vera

Contact Information

4066-H Natural History Building
1301 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801
Graduate Research Assistant
Advisor: Dr. Larry Di Girolamo


I joined the Department of Atmospheric Sciences as a master's student in Fall 2021, working under the supervision of Prof. Larry Di Girolamo. I examined the macrophysical properties of shallow cumulus clouds over the tropical western Pacific using high-resolution satellite data collected during the NASA Cloud, Aerosol and Monsoon Processes Philippines Experiment (CAMP2Ex) field campaign. I earned my M.S. degree from the department in August 2023. I'm currently a Ph.D. student in the department.

I attended the Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines for my bachelor’s degrees in Applied Physics and Materials Science and Engineering while minoring in Data Science and Analytics. As an undergraduate, I worked on determining the sources of trace gas emissions in the South China Sea/West Philippine Sea region collected during the 2012 Vasco Cruise study for my thesis. I also participated in an internship at the Climatology Laboratory of Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan, where I evaluated different heat wave and heat stress indices over the Philippines. 

After completing my undergraduate studies in May 2020, I took a postgraduate diploma program in Earth System Physics at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy. There, I worked on using high-resolution satellite data to investigate sea surface temperature anomalies and their relationship to convection and the diurnal cycle in the Tropical Western Pacific.


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (in progress)
  • Master of Science (M.S.) in Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (August 2023)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Earth System Physics, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (August 2021)
  • Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Materials Science and Engineering, Ateneo de Manila University (May 2020)
  • Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Applied Physics, Ateneo de Manila University (May 2020)
    • Minor in Data Science and Analytics

Awards and Honors

  • Outstanding Student Presentation Award, Atmospheric Sciences Section, AGU Fall 2023 (2023)
  • Ogura Student Teaching Award, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (2022)

Courses Taught

  • Fall 2023: ATMS 304 - Atmospheric Thermodynamics
  • Spring 2022: ATMS 140/ESE 140 - Climate and Global Change

Recent Publications

De Vera, M. V., Di Girolamo, L., Zhao, G., Rauber, R. M., Nesbitt, S. W. & McFarquhar, G. M. (2024). Observations of the macrophysical properties of cumulus cloud fields over the tropical western Pacific and their connection to meteorological variables. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24(9), 5603–5623.

Recent Presentations

De Vera, M. V., Di Girolamo, L., Rauber, R. M., Nesbitt, S. W. & McFarquhar, G. M. (2024, February 27-29). Observations of the macrophysical properties of cumulus cloud fields over the tropical western Pacific and their connection to meteorological variables [Oral presentation]. CAMP2Ex Science Team Meeting, Pasadena, CA.

De Vera, M. V., Di Girolamo, L., Rauber, R. M., Nesbitt, S. W. & McFarquhar, G. M. (2023, December 18-19). Observations of the macrophysical properties of cumulus cloud fields sampled during CAMP2Ex from MISR, MODIS and ASTER [Oral presentation]. MISR Science Team Meeting, Pasadena, CA.

De Vera, M. V., Di Girolamo, L., Rauber, R. M., Nesbitt, S. W. & McFarquhar, G. M. (2023, December 11-15). Observations of the macrophysical properties of cumulus cloud fields over the tropical western Pacific [Poster presentation]. American Geophysical Union Fall 2023 Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

De Vera, M. V., Di Girolamo, L., & Zhao, G. (2022, December 12-16). Observations of the macrophysical properties of cumulus cloud fields over the tropical western Pacific [Poster presentation]. American Geophysical Union Fall 2022 Meeting, Chicago, IL.

De Vera, M. V., Di Girolamo, L., & Zhao, G. (2022, August 8-12). Observations of the macrophysical properties of cumulus cloud fields over the tropical western Pacific [Poster presentation]. American Meteorological Society Collective Madison Meeting, Madison, WI.