Contact Information
1301 W Green Street
Urbana, IL 61801
I am now working with Dr. Robert J. Trapp, on frequency change of tornadoes in China due to climate change. I'm also interested in Thunderstrom dynamics and climate dynamics.
Research Interests
Climate Variability and Change
Thunderstorm Dynamics and Hazards
Weather and Climate Risk
Research Description
My present research is to explore the change in possibility of tornadoes via analyzing and comparing GCM model outputs of different time period. To evaluate the risk of tornadoes, Significant Tornado Parameters are calculated. By comparing the GCM historical data and ssp data outputs, the change of tornado frequency due to climate change is to be inferred, which is a implicit method. Currently we are working on CESM2 models, and hopefully we are also going to work on other models.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Urbana, Illinois, USA |
Ph.D in Atmospheric Science | Aug. 2022 - Present |
Dissertation: Environment Informed Convection-Permitting Dynamical Downscaling and Response of Climate Risk of Convective Storms to Anthropogenic Climate Change in United States |
Advisor: Dr. Robert J. Trapp |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Urbana, Illinois, USA |
M.S. in Atmospheric Science | Jan. 2021 - Aug. 2022 |
Thesis: The Change of Tornado Frequency in China under the Context of Climate Change |
Advisor: Dr. Robert J. Trapp |
Zhejiang University | Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China |
B.S. in Atmospheric Science | Aug. 2017 - Jun. 2021 |
Thesis: Fire Smoke Feature Extraction from Dual-Polarization Radar Observations and Auto-detection Algorithm |
Advisor: Dr. Bi Lei |