We can’t think of a better person to be in Atmospheric Sciences than someone from the “Summer Capital of the Philippines”. Baguio City native, Michie De Vera, was born and raised in a place that sits on a plateau and is about 1.5 kilometers above sea level which brings in a cooler climate. Those stats get her hometown that stellar nickname.
After finishing her undergraduate degrees in both Applied Physics and Material Science and Engineering in Manila, land of the tropical savananna climate and attractor of typhoons, she headed for a place known for its humid subtropical climate for a little change of pace: Trieste, Italy. She continued to grow those brain cells by joining a one-year diploma program in Earth System Physics at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics. Her experience there also grew her love for atmospheric science.
So how in the world-literally-did she wind up at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign? It’s because of a Canadian named Larry Di Girolamo. (It truly is a small world.)
Michie says Professor Di Girolamo’s work on remote sensing, cloud and climate is what drew her to our campus. “I think we really had a great conversation the first time we met, and I felt that he would be a great mentor.” But Dr. G isn’t the only one getting their flowers. “I was also drawn to how welcoming and open everyone in the department was. Imagining me working on something I enjoy with a great advisor and great company was what made me accept the offer!”
Now that she’s here, what is she researching? “Quite literally, I’m actually working on something close to home. In 2019, NASA held the Clouds, Aerosol and Monsoon Processes-Philippines Experiment (CAMP2Ex) mission, aiming to learn more about aerosols, clouds, and their interactions in the Philippines. Using the high-resolution satellite data collected from this mission, I’m currently looking at cloud macrophysical properties of cumulus clouds in the tropical Western Pacific. Knowing these properties will help us constrain climate models and simulations.”
This future climate/cloud researcher or possible research scientist-she hasn’t decided yet-does do a little relaxing here and there. She is a jigsaw puzzle master and likes taking walks and enjoying the local scenery. Like past Spotlight person, Divya Rea, Michie also enjoys baking and cooking.
(Editor: We seriously need a bakeoff.)
While her head may be in the clouds, her heart is on campus and back home. We think those are great places to be. Wishing you the best, Michie De Vera, and we are proud to call you a member of the Atmospheric Sciences family.