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  • Brand new to the Orange and Blue is Maile Sasaki, starting her first year as a grad student in Atmospheric Sciences.  As she begins this latest journey, we wanted to get to know her as she gets to know the University of Illinois. Maile hails-no pun intended-from the Bay Area in Northern California via Albuquerque, New Mexico and studied physics as a UG at UC Santa...
  •   Glen Romine, MS 2002, PhD 2008           What have you been up to since your time at DAS? After finishing my degrees at DAS, I briefly stayed on as a postdoctoral researcher until June 2009 when my family and I moved to Colorado to begin working at NCAR. I’m still working at NCAR where I have a joint appointment...
  • What have you been up to since your time at DAS? After receiving my PhD degree in 2015 from DAS, I stayed at DAS as a post-doc for eight months. In April 2016, I moved to Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and joined Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL) as a post-doc and then as an associated research scientist. My research at ORNL allowed me to explore an cutting-edge research topic: the application of gene...
  • What have you been up to since your time at DAS? After receiving MS and PhD degrees in 2004 and 2009, respectively, from DAS, I stayed at DAS for as a post-doc and then as a research scientist. In August 2017 I moved to Oklahoma and joined the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS) as a research scientist. And then after seven months at CIMMS, I accepted a faculty...
  • What have you been up to since your time at DAS? After finishing my master’s I moved to Norman, Oklahoma, and began working for the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS) and the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) as a member of the Warn on Forecast (WoF) team. I work with the WoF prototype, the NSSL Experimental Warn-on-Forecast System for ensembles (NEWS-e)....
  • What have you been up to since your time at DAS? After graduating, I moved to California and joined Sonoma Technology, Inc. as an Atmospheric Scientist. I forecast air quality and research the impacts of poor air quality on public health. I enjoy working on all phases of these projects, including planning the study, being in the field, validating and interpreting the collected data, and...
  • What have you been up to since your time at DAS? I had an NRC post-doc at the National Severe Storms Lab and joined the federal staff in 1992. I’ve worked on the forecasting and impacts of severe thunderstorms, tornadoes and flash floods and on the quality and value of weather forecasts. I worked in the early stages of short-range ensemble forecasting, the understanding of severe thunderstorms...