The student is required to give a 50- minute departmental seminar on their research. If the student expects to complete the thesis during the summer, the student must either schedule the seminar for the previous spring, or return to give the seminar during the fall semester. Only in extenuating circumstances (e.g., prolonged illness) will the possibility of a summer seminar be considered. Students are strongly advised to check possible dates with their committee members, to ensure their attendance.
All Graduate College format regulations must be satisfied before the final approval of the Ph.D. dissertation. Formatting guidelines for the dissertation may be found on the Graduate College Thesis Handbook. Students should be aware of these guidelines prior to writing their dissertation. A format check will be performed by the Department administrative secretary.
The student’s thesis work forms the basis for the Final Examination, which is the oral defense of the doctoral dissertation. The student is responsible for scheduling the Final Examination and submitting copies of the thesis to each member of the Committee at least two weeks before the date of the Final Examination. Decisions other than pass have the same rules for retaking the examination as for the Preliminary Examination. The committee may require additional revisions of the dissertation to be made prior to the time a decision of pass is rendered. The advisor makes the final decision of whether these revisions are acceptable.