Course Requirements


Course requirements for thesis option


*Students entering the MS Program in Atmospheric Sciences starting Fall 2022, are required to take 4 of the 6 courses listed below. 


*ATMS 420, ATMS 500, ATMS 505, ATMS 507, ATMS 510, and ATMS 511

16 hours

ATMS 599 Thesis Research (min applied toward degree)

8 hours

Additional approved graduate level courses (excluding ATMS 599)

8 hours

Total Hours

32 hours


  • The student is required to write a thesis and give a seminar on his/her thesis research.
  • Minimum GPA - 3.0


Course requirements for non-thesis option


*Students entering the non-thesis MS Program in Atmospheric Sciences starting Fall 2022, are required to take 4 of the 6 courses listed below. 


*ATMS 420, ATMS 500, ATMS 505, ATMS 507, ATMS 510, and ATMS 511

16 hours

Additional approved graduate level courses (excluding ATMS 599)

16 hours

Total Hours

32 hours


  • Minimum GPA - 3.0