
Department Requirements

Minimum hours required for graduation: 120 hours.

 Code  Title  Hours
PHYS 211 University Physics: Mechanics 4
PHYS 212 University Physics: Elec & Mag 4
CHEM 102 General Chemistry I 3
CHEM 103 General Chemistry Lab 1 1
MATH 220
or MATH 221
Calculus I
MATH 231 Calculus II 3
MATH 241

Calculus III

MATH 285 Intro Differential Equations 3
ATMS 201 General Physical Meteorology 3
ATMS 301 Atmospheric Thermodynamics


ATMS 302 Atmospheric Dynamics I 3
ATMS 303 Synoptic-Dynamic Wea Analysis 4
ATMS 304 Radiative Transfer-Remote Sens 3
ATMS 305 Computing and Data Analysis 3
ATMS 306 Cloud Physics 3
ATMS 307 Climate Processes 3
ATMS 313 Synoptic Weather Forecasting 4
ATMS 314 Mesoscale Dynamics 3
Total Hours   58-59


  • 120 credits must be completed in no more than 5 years (10 fall/spring semesters)
  • 60 credits must be taken on the UI Urbana Campus (called the “residency requirement”)
  • 21 credits of advanced courses (300 and 400 level) must be taken on UI campus
  • 12 credits of advanced course in major must be taken on UI campus
  • 30 general education credits must be earned (LAS requirements are more specific - see below)


  • Grade Point Average (GPA)
    2.0 GPA overall (LAS will consider exceptions if Department proposes them in individual cases)
    2.0 GPA in classes required for major
  • LAS 101 Freshman Seminar
    Freshmen in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences must enroll in this course in their first semester.
  • Composition requirement
    Composition I
    (1 course required, must be completed freshman year)
  • Advanced Composition
    (1 course required)
  • Foreign Language requirements
    Before graduation, a student must satisfactorily complete two years of college study, or four years of high school courses, in a single non-primary language. If the student completed three years of a single non-primary language in high school, he/she may either (a) continue studying that language and complete the fourth-semester course or (b) begin another language and complete the third-semester course.


(30 hours)

  • Humanities and Arts
    6 credit hours required (2 courses)
    Can come from any combination of HP (Historical and Philosophical Perspectives) and LA (Literature and the Arts) courses
  • Social and Behavioral Science
    6 credit hours required (2 courses)
    Can come from any combination of SS (Social Science) and BS (Behavioral Science) courses
  • Natural Sciences and Technology
    6 credit hours required (2 courses)
    Can come from any combination of LS (Life Science) and PS (Physical Science) courses
    Atmospheric sciences majors automatically fulfill this category with our major course requirements
  • Western Cultures
    1 course
  • Non-Western Cultures
  • 1 course
  • U.S. Minority Cultures
    1 course
  • Quantitative Reasoning I
    1 course
    Atmospheric sciences majors automatically fulfill this category with our major course requirements
  • Quantitative Reasoning II
    1 course
    Atmospheric sciences majors automatically fulfill this category with our major course requirements